2011 Strategic University Research Partnership Call for Proposals

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The JPL Strategic University Research Partnership (SURP) Program is soliciting proposals for the 2011 funding cycle for collaborative research and educational initiatives with our established Strategic Partnerships at the following academic institutions: * Arizona State University * Carnegie Mellon University * Dartmouth College * Massachusetts Institute of Technology * Princeton University * Stanford University * University of Arizona * University of California, Los Angeles * University of Michigan * University of Southern California The intent of the SURP Program is to provide resources to initiative and cultivate collaborative efforts of mutual strategic value for NASA research and missions between JPL and the academic partners listed above. Proposed activities can be Research Initiatives for collaborative basic and applied research or Educational Initiatives to support classroom activities and career path development for students. We anticipate that the total amount of new funding available for this program in FY11 will be approximately $1.5 - $2M, which will support up to 15–20 research initiatives funded up to a cap of $100,000 and 10–15 educational initiatives funded up to a cap of $25,000 each. To strengthen the relationships between JPL and our strategic university partners, we encourage proposals describing research or educational efforts that include activities to be performed jointly at JPL or at the partnering university via the exchange of personnel. Possible exchanges include students working at JPL under the co-supervision of the JPL Principal Investigator and university faculty, JPL investigators working at the strategic partner university, and faculty working at JPL. We also invite proposals that describe research performed jointly by a JPL team and by the academic faculty investigator while on sabbatical leave at JPL.

Topic Areas

JPL has identified the science, technology, and educational areas that are important for JPL's continuing contribution to NASA's future success and for which JPL's leadership is key. SURP proposals should address one of these strategic topical areas. The complete list along with supporting links may be found at the Strategic Topics URL below. Additional narrative for each of the 10 strategic technology directions may be found by downloading “JPL Strategic Technology Directions 2009” (URL below). Additional information on the four key science areas below may be found at the website for the JPL Science Division (URL below). SURP Strategic Topics URL: http://surp.jpl.nasa.gov/collaborations/strategictopics JPL Strategic Technology Directions 2009 URL: http://scienceandtechnology.jpl.nasa.gov/research/StTechDir JPL Science Division URL: http://science.jpl.nasa.gov

Successor Proposals

SURP awards are for one-year duration. However, holders of existing SURP awards may submit a successor proposal for the continued pursuit of previously funded research and such proposals are welcome to enable the continuity of graduate student research. Successor proposals must describe the relevant achievements made during the course of the predecessor award. Successor proposals are considered with neither advantage nor disadvantage along with new proposals submitted.

Summer Internships

The SURP program will further encourage and support the career development of graduate students by offering a limited number of ten-week summer internships at JPL for students involved with the awarded research. The JPL principal investigator must state in their proposal their desire to host a student to perform collaborative research during the summer of the year in which the SURP task is active. If the proposal is selected for award, the award will be augmented with additional funds to support the student. The cost of the internship should not be included in the proposal budget and it will not count against the cap for the proposal.

Submission Process Overview

The proposal submission for SURP is a one-step process. Each proposal is technically reviewed by an expert peer panel and programmatically reviewed by JPL line and program managers. The JPL Chief Scientist and Chief Technology will make the final selection based on the strength of the collaboration, team, and strategic value of the work. Proposals must be submitted by 4 PM PDT on Friday, October 1, 2010, in accordance with the following procedure: # Download the 2011 SURP Proposal Template (it has changed, URL below) and complete each required section. # The completed proposal must be electronically submitted into the SURP Proposal Submission site (URL below). At the time of electronic submission, you will receive an assigned proposal number. Please record this number on your original signed proposal. You will also be asked to suggest the names and phone extensions of at least 3 JPL colleagues who can provide an expert technical review of your proposal. # After electronically submitting your proposal, please deliver six (6) hard copies of your proposal to Alma Cardenas (office location 180-604, mail stop 180-604, ext 4-2328). Your hard copies must include the assigned proposal number and must include all required signatures (scanned or faxed signatures are acceptable). This Call, detailed proposal guidelines, and the proposal template can also be found at the SURP website.

Important Downloads

2011 SURP Proposal Template Word Version PDF Version 2011 SURP Proposal Guidelines PDF Version

Important Links

* Strategic Topics * 2011 SURP Proposal Submission Site * SURP website

Schedule Overview

July 7, 2010 Call for Proposals released
October 1, 2010 Proposals due
November 24, 2010 Technical reviews completed
December 14, 2010 Technical & programmatic rankings completed & merged
January 2011 Awards announced

If you have any questions about the SURP Program or this Call for Proposals, please contact the SURP manager, Paula Grunthaner (4-0360, paula.grunthaner@jpl.nasa.gov). We look forward to your innovative proposals in support of NASA’s research and missions.