Additive Manufacturing Center (AMC)

AMC Equipment
Equipment used in the Additive Manufacturing Center.

The Additive Manufacturing Center (AMC) is the research laboratory and production facility for additive manufacturing at JPL. It provides services in metal and polymer additive manufacturing (AM) for the Lab using a variety of technology including  Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF), Direct Energy Deposition (DED), and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM). The AMC focuses on early stage research through flight production aimed at infusing new technologies, and manufacturing space flight hardware and mechanical ground support equipment (MGSE) for critical spaceflight applications.  It is one of the premier facilities in the country for work in the development of multifunctional graded materials (AKA gradient alloys), multifunctional structures for extreme environments, advanced thermal management technologies, 3D printed compliant mechanisms, lattice structures, topology optimization, soft magnetic alloys and Design for Additive Manufacturing (DFAM). Research and technology development in the center focuses on developing new alloys, optimizing process parameters of metal 3D printers, and evaluating and collaborating with suppliers that provide additive manufacturing services. 



Ongoing Research Projects: