Andreas Gottscholl is a JPL postdoctoral fellow in the 389R Microdevices & Sensor Systems section. He recently joined JPL as a physicist with the focus on applied quantum mechanics. Within the OPuS-MAGNM project he develops a next-generation optically pumped solid state magnetometer based on spin defect carrying quantum materials (silicon carbide, diamond, hexagonal boron nitride). Andreas graduated from the Julius-Maximilian University Wuerzburg, Germany, where he investigated these quantum materials for sensor application during his PhD. His focus was on hexagonal boron nitride in which he found and identified the boron vacancy – the very first optical accessible spin defect in this graphene-like 2D material. During his bachelor and master (Julius-Maximilian University Wuerzburg, Germany) he studied spin defects in silicon carbide for potential maser application at room-temperature.
- 2022 Doctor of Physics (Dr. rer. nat., summa cum laude, University of Würzburg, Germany)
- 2018 Master of Science in Physics (University of Würzburg, Germany)
- 2016 Bachelor of Science in Physics (University of Würzburg, Germany)
- Quantum Sensing
- Quantum Computing
- Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Spin Defects
- Magnetometry
- Since 2022-08: JPL Postdoctoral Fellow (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA, USA)
- 2021-09 – 2022-08: Research Scientist (University of Würzburg, Germany)
- 2018-10 – 2021-09: Doctoral Candidate / Research Scientist (University of Würzburg, Germany)
- Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Prize
- Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen - Science Prize
- Best Poster Award 2022 (JPL Postdoc Research Day)
- Gottscholl, A., Kianinia, M., Soltamov, V., Orlinskii, S., Mamin, G., Bradac, C., Kasper, C., Krambrock, K., Sperlich, A., Toth, M. and Aharonovich, I., 2020. Initialization and read-out of intrinsic spin defects in a van der Waals crystal at room temperature. Nature Materials, 19(5), pp.540-545.
- Gottscholl, A., Diez, M., Soltamov, V., Kasper, C., Krauße, D., Sperlich, A., Kianinia, M., Bradac, C., Aharonovich, I. and Dyakonov, V., 2021. Spin defects in hBN as promising temperature, pressure and magnetic field quantum sensors. Nature Communications, 12(1), p.4480.
- Gottscholl, A., Diez, M., Soltamov, V., Kasper, C., Sperlich, A., Kianinia, M., Bradac, C., Aharonovich, I. and Dyakonov, V., 2021. Room temperature coherent control of spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride. Science Advances, 7(14), p.eabf3630.
- Mendelson, N., Chugh, D., Reimers, J.R., Cheng, T.S., Gottscholl, A., Long, H., Mellor, C.J., Zettl, A., Dyakonov, V., Beton, P.H. and Novikov, S.V., 2021. Identifying carbon as the source of visible single-photon emission from hexagonal boron nitride. Nature Materials, 20(3), pp.321-328.