Design and Analysis of High-Performance Compressed Sensing Receivers

The Shannon-Nyquist sampling theorem is implicit in the design of most conventional signal-acquisition systems. As contemporary/emerging applications demand increased bandwidth and data resolution, realizing an ADC that meets system requirements can become a serious performance bottleneck. This is due to the unfavorable scaling relationship that exists between power consumption and sampling-rate. Recently, results from the field of Compressed Sensing (CS) have provided an alternative mean to realize signal acquisition systems. Specifically, CS enables sub-Nyquist rate signal acquisition provided the acquired signal is sparse in the sense that it depends on a number of degrees of freedom much lower than its bandwidth suggests.

In this talk details of design and implementation of integrated frontends for compressed sensing receivers are discussed. In particular, we will focus on challenges and requirements of such receivers in deep sub-micron CMOS technologies. We will also present simulation and measurements results that examine the robustness of CS-based receivers against noise, clock jitter, mismatch and nonlinearities. Our design methodology and parameter optimization will be explained via simulation that include precise hardware and noise models.

Finally measurement results from a fully integrated CS-based receiver in 90nm CMOS technology that achieves more than 2.0 GHz of instantaneous bandwidth with 12.5x sub-Nyquist rate will be presented.

Azita Emami received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 1999 and 2004 respectively. She received her B.S. degree from Sharif University of Technology in 1997, with honors. After receiving her Ph.D., she joined IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. From Fall 2006 to Summer 2007, she was an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University in the city of New York. In fall 2007, she joined Caltech, where she is now an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engeering. Her area of research is mixed-signal integrated circuits and systems, focusing on high-speed electrical and optical interconnects, efficient timing and clock recovery architectures, compressed sensing, data converters and circuits for biomedical applications. She received the NSF CAREER award in 2008, and the Okawa Foundataion Research Grant award in 2010.

11/16/2011 - 16:00
Azita Emami, Caltech