Mary is a JPL postdoctoral fellow studying the origin of water vapor in the exosphere of Ceres through numerical modelling and prediction using a vast amount of solar wind data measured by various space crafts and machine learning models. Before coming to JPL, she conducted research on the fundamental properties of bio-, energy-, structural-related materials using hands-on experiments and computational simulations/data analysis.
- PhD, Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2018)
- SM, Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University (2009)
- BS, Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University (2007)
Research Interests:
- Mechanisms of Water Vapor Production on Ceres
- Numerical Methods for Solar Wind Propagation
- Machine Learning (ML) Predictions in Solar Wind Propagation
- Water Vapor Production from Regolith on Icy Moons
Professional Experience:
- JPL Postdoctoral Fellow / 2023-present
- Senior Research Scientist at KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) / 2018-2023
- Staff Research Scientist at KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology) / 2009-2012
Selected Awards:
- KIST Best Research center award (2020)
- Kwanjeong Educational Scholarship (2012-2016)
- Scripta Materialia Top Citated Article Award (2012)
- KIST Best Research Team Award (2012)
- Intermetallics Top 25 Hottest Articles (2011)
- Materials Science and Engineering A Top Hottest Articles (2011)
Selected Publications:
- C. Kim†, K.W. Park†, and H.L. Tuller* "Effect of Structure on Oxygen Diffusivity in Layered Oxides: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study” J. Mater. Chem. A (2022) 10, 15402-15414 (Front Cover). DOI: 10.1039/D2TA02580A
- V. Poliukhova, M. Kang, A.R. Hong, K.R. Mun, K.W. Park*, H.S. Jang*, S.H. Cho* “ZnO/ZnS Nanoparticles on NaYF4:Yb,Tm for Near Infrared-Activated photocatalytic Cr(VI) Reduction” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. (2022) 5, 14478-14491. DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.2c02848
- K.W. Park*, C.S. Kim “Deformation-induced charge redistribution in ceria thin film at room temperature” Acta Materialia (2020) 191, 70-80. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2020.03.029
- K.W. Park, A. M. Kolpak “Mechanism for spontaneous oxygen and hydrogen evolution on CoO nanocrystals” J. Mater. Chem. A (2019) 7, 6708-6719 (marked as 2019 J. Mater. Chem. A HOT Papers). DOI: 10.1039/C8TA11087E
- K.W. Park, A. M. Kolpak “ Optimal methodology for explicit solvation prediction of band edges of transition metal oxide photocatalysts” Communications Chemistry (2019) 2, 79. DOI: 10.1038/s42004-019-0179-3
- K.W. Park*, Y. Shibutani “Effect of hydrogenation on the mechanical property of amorphous Ni90Al10 membranes” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy (2011) 36, 9324-9334. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.05.019
- K.W. Park, C.M. Lee, M. Wakeda, Y. Shibutani, M.L. Falk, J.C. Lee “Elastostatically induced structural disordering in amorphous alloys” Acta Materialia (2008) 56, 5440-5450. DOI: 10.1016/j.actamat.2008.07.033
- K.W. Park, J. Jang, M. Wakeda, Y. Shibutani, J.C. Lee “Atomic packing density and its influence on the properties of Cu-Zr amorphous alloys” Scripta Materialia (2007) 57, 805-808. DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2007.07.019
†equally contributed
*corresponding author

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