- B.S. in Physics, 1980, University of Virginia.
- Ph.D. in Physics, 1986, University of Virginia.
Research Interests:
- Nanoscale electronic and structural characterization of materials and devices using scanning probe methods.
- Tunnel-effect and hot-electron devices for detection and sensing.
- Novel memory concepts using nanoscale structures.
Selected Awards:
- NASA Patent Award for Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy (1990).
- Research and Development 100 Award for Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy (1990).
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Lew Allen Award (1992).
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Ranger (Level B) Award (2001).
Selected Publications:
- "Direct investigation of subsurface interface electronic structure by ballistic-electron-emission microscopy," W. J. Kaiser and L. D. Bell, Physical Review Letters 60, 1406 (1988).
- "Observation of subsurface interface band structure by ballistic electron emission microscopy," L. D. Bell and W. J. Kaiser, Physical Review Letters 61, 2368 (1988).
- "Direct spectroscopy of electron and hole scattering," L. D. Bell, M. H. Hecht, W. J. Kaiser, and L. C. Davis, Physical Review Letters 64, 2679 (1990).
- "BEEM spectroscopy of electron transport through AlAs/GaAs heterostructures," W. J. Kaiser, M. H. Hecht, L. D. Bell, F. J. Grunthaner, and L. C. Davis, Physical Review B 48, 18324 (1993).
- "Ballistic-electron-emission microscopy of strained Si1-xGex layers," L. D. Bell, A. M. Milliken, S. J. Manion, W. J. Kaiser, R. W. Fathauer, and W. T. Pike, Physical Review B 50, 8082 (1994).
- “Evidence of momentum conservation at a non-epitaxial metal/semiconductor interface using BEEM," L. D. Bell, Physical Review Letters 77, 3893 (1996).
- "Ballistic-electron-emission microscopy and spectroscopy of metal/GaN interfaces," L. D. Bell, R. P. Smith, B. T. McDermott, E. R. Gertner, R. Pittman, R. L. Pierson, and G. J. Sullivan, Applied Physics Letters 72, 1590 (1998).
- "Charging of single Si nanocrystals by atomic force microscopy," E. A. Boer, L. D. Bell, M. L. Brongersma, H. A. Atwater, M. L. Ostraat, and R. C. Flagan, Applied Physics Letters 78, 3133 (2001).
- "Synthesis and characterization of aerosol silicon nanocrystal nonvolatile floating-gate memory devices," M. L. Ostraat, J. W. De Blauwe, M. L. Green, L. D. Bell, M. L. Brongersma, J. Casperson, R. C. Flagan, and H. A. Atwater, Applied Physics Letters 79, 433 (2001).
- "Unconventional S-Wave Superconductivity in the N-Type Infinite-Layer Cuprate Sr0.9La0.1CuO2," C.-T. Chen, P. Seneor, N.-C. Yeh, R. P. Vasquez, L. D. Bell, C. U. Jung, J. Y. Kim, M.-S. Park, H.-J. Kim, and S.-I. Lee, Physical Review Letters 88, 227002 (2002).
- "High total dose tolerance of prototype silicon nanocrystal non-volatile memory cells," M. P. Petkov, L. D. Bell, and H. A. Atwater, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 51, 3822 (2004).
- "AlGaN based tunable Hyperspectral detector," N. Tripathi, J. R. Grandusky, V. Jindal, F. Shahedipour-Sandvik, and L. D. Bell, Applied Physics Letters 90, 231103 (2007).
- "III-Nitride heterostructure layered tunnel barriers for a tunable Hyperspectral detector," L. D. Bell, N. Tripathi, J. R. Grandusky, V. Jindal, and F. Shahedipour-Sandvik, IEEE Sensors 8, 724 (2008).
Book Chapters and Review Articles
- "Ballistic Electron Emission Microscopy," L. D. Bell, W. J. Kaiser, M. H. Hecht, and L. C. Davis, chapter 7 in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, Methods of Experimental Physics, Vol. 27, edited by Joseph A. Stroscio and William J. Kaiser (Academic Press, 1993).
- "Ballistic-electron-emission microscopy: a nanometer-scale probe of interfaces and carrier transport," L. D. Bell and W. J. Kaiser, Annual Review of Materials Science 26, 189 (1996).
- "Ballistic-electron-emission microscopy of semiconductor heterostructures," L. D. Bell and V. Narayanamurti, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 3, 38 (1998).
- "BEEM and the Characterization of Buried Interfaces," W. J. Kaiser, L. D. Bell, M. H. Hecht, and L. C. Davis, chapter 8 in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy: Theory, Techniques, and Applications, 2nd Edition" edited by Dawn A. Bonnell (Wiley/VCH, 2001).

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