- PhD, Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, 1991.
- M.Sc., Aerospace Engineering, 1988, University of Southern California, CA.
- M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, 1987, University of Southern California, CA.
- M.Sc., Astronomy, 1986, University of Paris VI Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
- Engineer Degree, 1985, Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris, France.
Research Interests:
- Ice-ocean interaction at ice front calving margins and beneath ice shelves using in-situ and remote sensing data coupled with models.
- Mass balance of ice sheets in Greenland, Antarctica and Patagonia combining satellite remote sensing techniques with other data.
- Ice-stream dynamics, ice-ocean interaction, climate change.
- Ice sheet modeling and data assimilation.
- Low-frequency radar sounding of glaciers and ice sheets.
- Geophysical applications of synthetic-aperture radar interferometry and polarimetry.
Professional Experience:
- Donald Bren Professor of Earth System Science (2016-present).
- Chair of the Department of Earth System Science (2017-2021).
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (2007-present), Joint Faculty Appointee (JFA).
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1988-2007), Senior Research Scientist.
- Adjunct Professor, Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia, Chile (2003- 2020).
- Research Assistant, University of Southern California, (1986-1988).
Selected Awards:
- Distinguished Senior Faculty Award for Research, University of California Irvine, 2019-2020.
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Oceans Melting Greenland Team, 2019.
- Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science, (2019).
- Elected Member of the National Academy of Sciences (2018).
- James Arnold Lecture, UC San Diego, (2018).
- Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, Geosciences, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Oceans Melting Greenland Team, 2017.
- Louis Agassiz Medal for the Cryosphere Division of the European Geosciences Union, 2016.
- Seng T. Lee Lecture in Antarctic Studies, Wellington, New Zealand, 2016.
- John F. Nye Lecture, American Geophysical Union, (2015).
- Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher, (2014).
- Fellow American Geophysical Union, (2013).
- NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, (2012).
- Exceptional Impact on UC Irvine ESS Honor Student, (2012).
- NASA Group Achievement Award, IceBridge Mission, (2011).
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Ice Sheet System Model, (2011).
- National Science Foundation's Antarctic Service Medal with Warm Ice Sounding Explorer, (2009).
- NASA Group Achievement Award, Warm Ice Sounding Explorer Team, (2009).
- Bowie Lecture, American Geophysical Union, (2008).
- Nobel Peace Prize, co-author IPCC AR4, (2007).
- NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Award (2007)
- JPL Edward Stone Award for Outstanding Research Publication (2004)
- JPL Level A Award for Technical Achievement, (2004).
- NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Award (2003)
- Nomination of ”Rignot Glacier, Antarctica” by U. S. Board Geogr. Names, (2003).
- JPL Edward Stone Award for Outstanding Research Publication (2002)
- JPL Director Lew Allen Award for Excellence (1998)
- Prize Paper Award IEEE Geos. Rem. Sens. Soc. (1994)
- 12 NASA Certificates of Recognition.
- Member IGS, AAAS, IEEE.
Selected Publications:
- [2007] A. Khazendar, E. Rignot, E. Larour, Larsen B Ice Shelf rheology preceding itsdisintegration inferred by a control method, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34 (19), L19503, doi:10.10209/2007GL030980.
- [2008] E. Rignot and K. Steffen, Channelized bottom melting and stability of afloating ice shelf in northwestern Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L02503, doi:10.1029/2007GL031765.
- [2008] E. Rignot, J. Bamber, M. van den Broeke, C. Davis, Y. Li, W. van de Berg, E. van Meijgaard,Recent mass loss of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from dynamic thinning, Nature Geosc. 1, doi: 10.1038/ngeo102
- [2008] E. Rignot, Changes in West Antarctic ice stream dynamics observed with ALOS PALSAR data. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L12505, doi:10.1029/2008GL033365.
- [2008] E. Rignot, J. Box, E. Burgh, E. Hanna, Mass balance of Greenland glaciers from 1958 to 2007, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L20502, doi:10.1029/2008GL035417.
- [2009] H. Conway, B. Smith, P. Vaswani, K. Matsuoka, E. Rignot, P. Claus, A low-frequency ice-penetrating radar system adapted for use from an airplane: test results from Bering and Malaspina Glaciers, Alaska, Ann. Glaciol., 51, 93-97.
- [2009] G. Casassa, Krabill, W.; Rivera, A.; Wendt, J.; Wendt, A.; Lopez, P.; Bown, F.; Rignot, E.; Thomas, R.; Yungel, J.; Sonntag, J.; Frederick, E.; Russell, R.; Linkswiler, M.; Arendt, A.; Steffen, K., The Patagonian icefields: an updated assessment of sea level contribution, IOP Confererence Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6, 012006.
- [2009] Van den Broeke, M. R., J. L. Bamber, J. Ettema, E.Rignot, E. J. O. Schrama, W. J. van de Berg, E. van Meijgaard, I. Velicogna and B. Wouters, 2009: Partitioning recent Greenland mass loss, Science, 326 (5955), 984-986.
- [2009] J. Kavanaugh, K.M. Cuffey, D.L. Morse, H. Conway, E. Rignot, Dynamics and mass balance of Taylor Glacier, Antarctica: 1. Geometry and surface velocities, J. Geophys. Res., 114 F404010, doi:10.1029/2009JF001309.
- [2009] A. Khazendar, E. Rignot, and E. Larour (2009), Roles of marine ice, rheology, and fracture in the flow and stability of the Brunt/Stancomb-Wills Ice Shelf, J. Geophys. Res., 114, F04007, doi:10.1029/2008JF001124.
- [2010] E. Rignot, M. Koppes, I. Velicogna, Rapid submarine melting of the calving faces of west Greenland tidewater glaciers, Nature Geosc., 3 (3), 187-191.
- [2010] M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, H. Seroussi, E. Larour, Spatial patterns of basal drag inferred using control methods from a full-Stokes and simpler models for Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett. 37 L14502.
- [2010] P.C. Reid, A.C. Fischer, E. Lewis-Brown, M.P. Meredith, M., Sparrow, A.J. Andersson, A. Antia, N.R. Bates, U. Bathmann, G. Beaugrand, H. Brix, S. Dye, M. Edwards, T. Furevik, R. Gangsto, H. Hatun, R.R. Hopcroft, M. Kendall, S. Kasten, R. Keeling, C. Le Quere, F.T. MacKenzie, G. Malin, C. Mauritzen, J. Olafsson, C. Paull, E. Rignot, K. Shimada, M. Vogt, C. Wallace, Z. Wang and R. Washington. Impacts of the oceans on climate change, Adv. in Marine Bio. 56, 1-50.
- [2011] K.K. Falkner et al., Context for the Recent Massive Petermann Glacier Calving Event, Eos Trans. AGU, 92, doi:10.1029/2011EO140001.
- [2011] D. Moller, H. Scott, S. Gregory, The glacier and land ice surface topography interferometer: An airborne proof-of-concept demonstration of high-precision Ka-Band single pass elevation mapping, IEEE Trans. Geosc. Rem. Sens. 49 (2), 827-842.
- [2011] E. Rignot, I. Velicogna, M. van den Broeke and A. Monaghan, Acceleration of the contribution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to sea level rise, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L05503, doi:10.1029/2011GL046583
- [2011] E. Rignot, Is Antarctica melting$?$, Wiley Interdisc. Rev.-Climate Change 2 (3), 324-331.
- [2011] H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, Ice flux divergence anomalies on 79north Glacier, Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L09501, doi:10.1029/2011GL047338.
- [2011] A. Khazendar, E. Rignot, E. Larour, Acceleration and spatial rheology of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctic Peninsula, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L09502, doi:10.1029/2011GL046775.
- [2011] E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, Antarctic grounding line mapping from differential satellite radar interferometry, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L10504, doi:10.1029/2011GL047109.
- [2011] E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, Ice flow of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, Science 333, 1427-1430, doi: 10.1126/science.1208336.
- [2011] J. Church, N. White, L. F. Konikow, C. M. Domingues, J. Graham Cogley, E. Rignot, J. Gregory, M. van den Broeke, A. Monaghan and I. Velicogna, Revisiting the Earth’s sea-level and energy budgets from 1961 to 2008, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L18601, doi:10.1029/2011GL048794.
- [2011] M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, H. Seroussi, E. Larour, H. Ben Dhia, D. Aubry, A mass conservation approach for mapping glacier ice thickness, Geophys. Res. Lett. 38, L19503, doi:10.1029/2011GL048659.
- [2011] M. van den Broeke, J. Bamber, J. Lenaerts, E. Rignot, Ice sheets and sea level: thinking outside the box, Survey Geophys. 32, 495-505, doi: 10.1007/s10712-011-9137-z.
- [2012] I. Sasgen, M. van den Broeke, J. L. Bamber, E. Rignot, L. Sandberg Sorensen, B. Wouters, Z. Martinec, I. Velicogna and S. Simonsen, Timing and origin of recent regional ice-mass loss in Greenland, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett 333-334, 293–303.
- [2012] E. Rignot and J. Mouginot, Ice flow in Greenland for the International Polar Year 2008-2009, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L11501, doi:10.1029/2012GL051634.
- [2012] M. Schodlok, D. Menemenlis, E. Rignot, M. Studinger, Sensitivity of the ice shelf ocean system to the sub-ice shelf cavity shape measured by NASA IceBridge in Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Ann. Glaciol. 53 (60), 156-162.
- [2012] F. Straneo, D. Sutherland, D. Holland, C. V. Gladish, G. S. Hamilton, H. Johnson, E. Rignot, Y. Xu, M. Koppes, Submarine melting of Greenland's glaciers by Atlantic waters, Ann. Glaciol. 53 (60), 202-210.
- [2012] Y. Xu, E. Rignot, D. Menemenlis, M. Koppes, Numerical experiments on subaqueous melting of Greenland tidewater glaciers in response to ocean warming and enhanced subglacial runoff, Ann. Glaciol. 53 (60), 229-234.
- [2012] E. Rignot, I. Fenty, D. Menemenlis, Y. Xu, Spreading of warm ocean waters around Greenland as a possible cause for glacier acceleration, Ann. Glaciol. 53 (60), 257-266.
- [2012] H. Seroussi, H. B. Dhia, M. Morlighem, E. Larour, E. Rignot, D. Aubry, Coupling ice flow models of varying orders of complexity with the Tiling method, J. Glaciol. 58 (210) 776-786.
- [2012] E. Larour, H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, and E. Rignot, Continental scale, high order, high spatial resolution, ice sheet modeling using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM), J. Geophys. Res. 117, F01022, doi:10.1029/2011JF002140.
- [2012] E. Larour, J. Schiermeier, E. Rignot, H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, and J. Paden, Sensitivity Analysis of Pine Island Glacier ice flow using ISSM and DAKOTA, J. Geophys. Res. 117, F02009, doi:10.1029/2011JF002146.
- [2012] Headley, R., B. Hallet, G. Roe, E. Waddington and E. Rignot, Spatial distribution of glacial erosion rates in the St. Elias range, Alaska, inferred from a realistic model of glacier dynamics, J. Geophys. Res. 117, F03027, doi:10.1029/2011JF002291.
- [2012] D. McGrath, K. Steffen, H. Rajaram, T. Scambos, W. Abdalati, E. Rignot, Basal crevasses on the Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica: Implications for meltwater ponding and hydrofracture, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L16504, doi:10.1029/2012GL052413.
- [2012] B. Scheuchl, J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, Twelve Years of Ice Velocity Change in Antarctica Observed by RADARSAT-1 and -2 Satellite Radar Interferometry, The Cryosphere 6, 1715-1738.
- [2012] J. Bamber, M. van den Broeke, J. Ettema, J. Lenaerts and E. Rignot, Recent large increases in freshwater fluxes from Greenland into the North Atlantic, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L19501, doi:10.1029/2012GL052552.
- [2012] C. P. Borstad, A. Khazendar, E. Larour, M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, M.P. Schodlok, and H. Seroussi, Toward a calving law based on continuum damage mechanics, Geophys. Res. Lett. 39, L18502, doi:10.1029/2012GL053317.
- [2012] J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, B. Scheuchl, Mosaicking of ice motion in Antarctica, Remote Sensing 4, 2753-2767, doi:10.3390/rs4092753.
- [2012] A. Shepherd, E. Ivins, A. Geruo, V. R. Barletta, M. Bentley, S. Bettadpur, K. H. Briggs, D. H. Bromwich, R. Forsberg, N. Galin, M. Horwath,S. Jacobs, I. Joughin, M. A. King, J. T. M. Leneaerts, J. Li, S. R. M. Ligtenberg, A. Luckman, S. B. Luthcke, M. McMillan, R. Meister, G. Milne, J. Mouginot, A. Muir, J. P. Nicolas, J. Paden, A. Payne, H. Pritchard, E. Rignot, H. Rott, L. Sorensen, T. Scambos, B. Scheuchl, E. J. O. Schrama, B. Smith, A. Sundal, J. H. van Angelen, W. J. van de Berg, M. van den Broeke, David G. Vaughan, I. Velicogna, J. Wahr, P. Whitehouse, D. J. Wingham, D. Yi, D. Young, J. Zwally, A reconciled estimate of ice sheet mass balance, Science, 338 (6111) 1,183-1,189.
- [2012] E. Larour, M.Morlighem, H. Seroussi, J. Schiermeier, E. Rignot, Ice flow sensitivity to geothermal heat flux of Pine Island Glacier, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res. Lett. 117, F04023, doi:10.1029/2012JF002371.
- [2013] P. Fretwell, H.D. Pritchard, D.G. Vaughan, J.L. Bamber, N.E. Barrand, R. Bell, C. Bianchi, R.G. Bingham, D. D. Blankenship, G. Casassa, G. Catania, D. Callens, H. Conway, A.J. Cook, H.F.J. Corr, D. Damaske, V. Damm, F. Ferraccioli, R. Forsberg, S. Fujita, T. Furukawa, P. Gogineni, J.A. Griggs, G. Hamilton, R.C.A. Hindmarsh, P. Holmlund, J. W. Holt, R.W. Jacobel, A. Jenkins, W. Jokat, T. Jordan, E.C. King, W. Krabill, M. Riger-Kusk, K.Tinto, K.A. Langley, G. Leitchenkov, B.P. Luyendyk, K. Matsuoka, U. Nixdorf, Y. Nogi, O.A. Nost, S.V. Popov, E. Rignot, D. Rippin. A. Riviera, N. Ross, M.J. Siegert, K. Shibuya, A.M. Smith, D. Steinhage, M. Studinger, B. Sun, R.H. Thomas, I. Tabacco, B. Welch, D. A. Young, C. Xiangbin, A. Zirizzotti, Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica, The Cryosphere 7, 375-393.
- [2013] J. L. Bamber, J. A. Griggs,R. T. W. L. , Hurkmans, J. A. Dowdesewell, S. P. Gogineni, I. Howat, J. Mouginot, J. Paden, S. Palmer, E. Rignot, and D. Steinhage, A new bed elevation dataset for Greenland, The Cryosphere, 7, 499-510.
- [2013] F. Straneo, P. Heimbach, O. Sergienko, G. Hamilton, G. Catania, S. Griffies, R. Hallberg, A. Jenkins, I. Joughin, R. Motyka, L. Padman, T. W. Pfeffer, S. F. Price, E. Rignot, T. Scambos, M. Truffer and A. Vieli, Challenges to Understand the Dynamic Response of Greenland's Marine Terminating Glaciers to Oceanic and Atmospheric Forcing, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 94 (8), 1,131-1,144, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00100.1
- [2013] S. Nowicki, R. A. Bindschadler, A. Abe-Ouchi, A. Aschwanden, E. Bueler, H. Choi, J. Fastook, G. Granzow, R. Greve, G. Gutowski, U. Herzfeld, C. Jackson, J. Johnson, C. Khroulev, E. Larour, A. Levermann, W. H. Lipscomb, M. A. Martin, M. Morlighem, B. R. Parizek, D. Pollard, S. F. Price, D. Ren, E. Rignot, F. Saito, T. Sato, H. Seddik, H. Seroussi, K. Takahashi, R. Walker, and W. Li Wang, Insights into spatial sensitivities of ice mass response to environmental change from the SeaRISE ice sheet modeling project II: Greenland, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1-20, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20076.
- [2013] S. Nowicki, R. A. Bindschadler, A. Abe-Ouchi, A. Aschwanden, E. Bueler, H. Choi, J. Fastook, G. Granzow, R. Greve, G. Gutowski, U. Herzfeld, C. Jackson, J. Johnson, C. Khroulev, E. Larour, A. Levermann, W. H. Lipscomb, M. A. Martin, M. Morlighem, B. R. Parizek, D. Pollard, S. F. Price, D. Ren, E. Rignot, F. Saito, T. Sato, H. Seddik, H. Seroussi, K. Takahashi, R. Walker, and W. Li Wang, Insights into spatial sensitivities of ice mass response to environmental change from the SeaRISE ice sheet modeling project I: Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1-23, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20081.
- [2013] N. E. Barrand, R. C. A. Hindmarsh, R. J. Arthern, C. R. Williams, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, E. Rignot, S. R.M. Ligtenberg, M. van den Broeke, T. L. Edwards, A. J. Cook and S. B. Simonsen, Computing the volume response of the Antarctic Peninsula ice sheet to warming scenarios to 2200, J. Glaciol., 59 (215), 397-409.
- [2013] E. Rignot, S. Jacobs, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, Ice shelf melting around Antarctica, Science, 341 (6143), 266-270, DOI:10.1126/science.1235798
- [2013] R. Thomas, E. Frederick, C. Martin, E. Rignot, B. Scheuchl, Continued slowing of the Ross Ice Shelf and thickening of West Antarctic Ice streams, J. Glaciol., 59 (217), 838-844.
- [2013] J. Church, N. White, L. F. Konikow, C. M. Domingues, J. Graham Cogley, E. Rignot, J. Gregory, M. van den Broeke, A. Monaghan and I. Velicogna, Revisiting the Earth’s sea-level and energy budgets from 1961 to 2008, Geophys. Res. Lett. 40 (15), 4066-4066, doi:10.1002/grl.50752
- [2013] M. Morlighem, H. Seroussi, E. Larour, E. Rignot, Inversion of basal friction in Antarctica using exact and incomplete adjoints of a higher-order model, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 1746-1753, doi:10.1002/jgrf.20125
- [2013] Y. Xu, E. Rignot, I. Fenty, D. Menemenlis, M. Mar Flexas, Subaqueous melting of Store Glacier, West Greenland from three-dimensional, high-resolution numerical modeling and ocean observations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40 (17), 4648-4653, doi 10.1002/grl.50825
- [2013] E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, Y. Gim, D. Kirchner, C. Larsen, Low-frequency radar sounding of temperate ice masses in Southern Alaska, Geophys. Res. Lett., 5399-5405, doi:10.1002/2013GL057452.
- [2013] S. S. Jacobs, C. Giulivi, P. Dutrieux, E. Rignot, F. Nitsche, J. Mouginot, Getz Ice Shelf melting response to changes in ocean forcing, J. Geophys. Res., 118, 9, 4152-4168, doi 10.1002/jgrc.20298.
- [2013] H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, E. Larour, A. Khazendar, E. Rignot, Dependence of century-scale projections of the Greenland Ice Sheet to ice thermal regime, J. Glaciol., 13J054.
- [2013] M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, H. Seroussi, E. Larour, X. Wu, J. Paden, C. Lueschen, Bed topography under Russell Glacier, Greenland, revealed by Operation IceBridge Data, J. Glaciol, 12J235.
- [2013] A. Khazendar, M. P. Schodlok, I. Fenty, S. R. M. Ligtenberg, E. Rignot, M. R. van den Broeke, Observed thinning of Totten Glacier linked to coastal polynya variability, Nature Comm. 42857, doi: 10.1038/ncomms3857.
- [2013] C. P. Borstad, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, M. P. Schodlok, Creep deformation and buttressing capacity of damaged ice shelves: Theory and Application to Larsen C Ice Shelf, The Cryosphere 7, 1931-1947.
- [2014] J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, B. Scheuchl, Sustained increase in ice discharge from the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett. 41 (5), 1576-1584.
- [2014] D. McGrath, K. Steffen, P. Holland, T. Scambos, H. Rajaram, W. Abdalati, E. Rignot, The structure and effect of suture zones in Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., 119 (3), 588-602, doi: 10.1002/2013JF002935.
- [2014] J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, Y. Gim, D. Kirchner, Low-frequency radar sounding in Antarctica and Southern Greenland, Ann. Glaciol., 55 (67), 138-146.
- [2014] M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, High resolution bed topography mapping in South Greenland, Ann. Glaciol., 55 (67), 64-70.
- [2014] M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, H. Seroussi, E. Larour, Deeply incised submarine glacial valleys beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet, Nature Geoscience 7, 418-422.
- [2014] E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, M. Morlighem, H. Seroussi, B. Scheuchl, Widespread, rapid grounding line retreat of Pine Island, Thwaites, Smith and Kohler glaciers, West Antarctica from 1992 to 2011, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41 (10) 3502-3509.
- [2014] P. Dutrieux, C. Stewart, A. Jenkins, K. W. Nicholls, H. F. J. Corr, E. Rignot, K. Steffen, Basal terraces on melting ice shelves, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41(15), 5506-5513.
- [2014] J. M. van Wessem, C.H. Reijmer, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, D. Medley, I. Joughin, B. Wouters, M.A. Deporter, J.L. Bamber,
- J.T.M. Lenaerts, W.J. van de Berg, M. R. van den Broeke, E. van Meijgaard, Improved representation of East Antarctic surface mass balance in a regional atmospheric climate model, J. Glaciol. 60 (222), 761-770.
- [2014] E. Larour, E. Rignot, A. Khazendar, H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, C.P. Borstad, Representation of sharp rifts and faults mechanics in modeling ice-shelf flow dynamics: application to Brunt Stancomb-Wills Ice Shelf, Antarctica. J. Geophys. Res., 119 (9), 1918-1935, doi: 10.1002/2014JF003157.
- [2014] H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, E. Larour, M.P. Schodlok, A. Khazendar, Sensitivity of the dynamics of Pine Island Glacier,West Antarctica to climate forcing for the next 50 years, The Cryosphere, 8 (5), 1699-1710.
- [2014] E. LeMeur, M., Sacchettini, S., Garambois, E. Berthier, AS. Drouet, G. Durand, D. Young, J.S. Greenbaum, J.W. Holt, D. D. Blankenship, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, Y. Gim, D. Kirchner, B. de Fleurian, O. Gagliardini, F. Gillet-Chaulet, Two independent methods for mapping the grounding line of an outlet glacier - an example from the Astrolabe Glacier, Terre Adelie, Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 8(4), 1331-1346.
- [2014] T. Sutterley, I. Velicogna, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, T. Flament, M. van den Broeke, J M. van Wessem, C. H. Reijmer, Mass loss of the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica from four independent techniques, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41 (23)m 8421-8428.
- [2014] M. Schaefer, H. Machguth, M. Falvey, G. Casassa, E. Rignot, Quantifying mass balance processes on the Southern Patagonia Icefield, The Cryosphere, 9 25-35.
- [2014] E. Larour, J. Utke, B. Csatho, A. Schenk, H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, N. Schlegel, and A. Khazendar, Inferred basal friction and surface mass balance of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream using data assimilation of ICESat (Ice Cloud and land Elevation Satellite) surface altimetry and ISSM (Ice Sheet System Model) The Cryosphere, 8, 2335-2351.
- [2014] H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, E. Larour, E. Rignot, A. Khazendar, Hydrostatic grounding line parameterization in ice sheet models, The Cryosphere, 8, 2075-2087.
- [2015] A.A. Leeson, A. Shepherd, K. Briggs, I. Howat, X. Fettweis, M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, Supraglacial lakes on the Greenland ice sheet advance inland under warming climate, Nature Climate Change, 5 (1), 51-55.
- [2015] J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, Ice motion of the Patagonia Icefields of South America: 1984-2014, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42 (5), 1441-1449.
- [2015] A. Khazendar, C.P. Borstad, B. Scheuchl, E. Rignot, H. Seroussi, The evolving instability of the remnant Larsen B Ice Shelf and its tributary glaciers, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 419, 199-210.
- [2015] E. Rignot, I. Fenty, C. Kemp, X. Yun, C. Cai, Undercutting of Greenland marine-terminating glaciers in deep glacial fjords., Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, doi: 10.1002/2015GL064236.
- [2015] M. Koppes, B. Hallet, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, K. Bolt, Glacial erosion rates across climatic regimes, from Patagonia to the Antarctic Peninsula, Nature Geosci., in press.
- [2015] J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, A. Buzzi, I. Fenty, A. Khazendar, M. Morlighem, B. Scheuchl, H. Seroussi, M. van den Broeke, J. Paden, Fast retreat of Zachari Isstr, northeast Greenland, Science, in review.
- [2015] X. Li, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, M. Morlighem, Grounding line retreat of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica: 1996 to 2013, Geophys. Res. Lett., in review.
- [2015] M. Schodlok, D. Mememenlis, E. Rignot, Observations and simulations of ice shelf basal melt rates around Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res., in review.
- [2015] J. Hansen, M. Sato, P. Hearty, R. Ruedy, M. Kelley, V. Masson-Delmotte, G. Russell, G. Tselioudis, J. Cao, E. Rignot, I. Velicogna, E. Kandiano, K. von Schuckmann, P. Kharecha, A. N. Legrande, M. Bauer, K. Lo, Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms: Evidence from Paleoclimate Data, Climate Modeling, and Modern Observations that 2°C Global Warming is Highly Dangerous, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, in review.
- 2016 P. Gourlet, E. Rignot, A. Rivera, R. Zamora, J. Uribe, G. Casassa. Ice thickness of the northern half of the Patagonia Icefields of South America from high-resolution airborne gravity surveys, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43(1), 241-249.
- 2016 M. Schodlok, D. Mememenlis, E. Rignot, Ice shelf basal melt rates around Antarctica from simulations and observations, J. Geophys. Res., 121(2), 1,085-1109.
- 2016 M. Morlighem, J. Bondzio, H. Seroussi, E. Rignot, E. Larour, A. Humbert and S. Rebuffi, Modeling of Store Gletscher’s calving dynamics, West Greenland, in response to ocean thermal forcing, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43(6), 2659-2666.
- 2016 E. Rignot, I. Fenty, Cofaigh, Weinrebe, J. Nash, X. Yun, C. Cai, C. Kemp, I. Velicogna, M. Jakobsson, Bathymetry data reveal glaciers vulnerable to ice-ocean interaction in Uummannaq and Vaigat glacial fjords, West Greenland., Geophys. Res. Lett., 43(6), 2667-2674.
- 2016 C. Borstad, A. Khazendar, B. Scheuchl, M. Morlighem, E. Larour, E. Rignot, A constitutive framework for predicting weakening and reduced buttressing of ice shelves based on observations of the progressive deterioration of the remnant Larsen B Ice Shelf, Geophys. Res. Lett. 43(5), 2027-2035.
- 2016 J. Hansen, M. Sato, P. Hearty, R. Ruedy, M. Kelley, V. Masson-Delmotte, G. Russell, G. Tselioudis, J. Cao, E. Rignot, I. Velicogna, B. Tormey, B. Donovan, E. Kandiano, K. von Schuckmann, P. Kharecha, A. N. Legrande, M. Bauer, K. Lo, Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2oC global warming could be dangerous, Atmos. Chem. Phys. 16, 1-52.
- 2016 E. Rignot, X. Yun, L. An, M. van den Broeke, C. Cai, I. Fenty, X. Li, D. Menemenlis, J. Mouginot, M. Morlighem, Modeling of ocean-induced ice melt rates of five Greenland glaciers over the past two decades, Geophys. Res. Lett. 43(12) 6374-6382.
- 2016 X. Li, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, Ice flow dynamics and mass loss of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica from 1989 to 2015, Geophys. Res. Lett. 43(12) 6366-6373.
- 2016 B. Scheuchl, J. Mouginot. E. Rignot, M. Morlighem, A. Khazendar, Grounding line retreat of Pope, Smith, and Kohler Glaciers, West Antarctica, measured with Sentinel-1a radar interferometry data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43 (16), 8572-8579.
- 2016 B. de Fleurian, MMorlighem, H. Seroussi, J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, A. Tedstone, P. Nienow, Michiel van den Broeke, A modeling study of the effect of runoff variability on the effective pressure beneath Russell Glacier, West Greenland, J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surf. 121(10), 1834-1848.
- 2016 A. Khazendar, E., Rignot, D.M. Schroeder, H. Seroussi, M.P. Schodlok, B. Scheuchl, J. Mouginot, T.C. Sutterley, I. Velicogna, Rapid submarine ice melting in the grounding zones of ice shelves in West Antarctica, Nature Comm. 7, 13243.
- 2016 I. Fenty, J. Willis, A. Khazendar, S. Dinardo, R. Forsberg, I. Fukumori, D. Holland, M. Jakobsson, D. Moller, J. Morison, A. Munchow, E. Rignot, M. Schodlok, A. Thompson, K. Tint, M. Rutherford, N. Trenholm, Oceans melting Greenland: Early results from NASA’s Ocean-ice mission in Greenland, Oceanography 29(4), 72-83.
- 2016 M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, J. Wilis, Improving bed topography mapping of Greenland glaciers using NASA’s Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) data, Oceanography 29(4), 62-71.
- 2016 Willis, J.K., E. Rignot, R.S. Nerem, and E. Lindstrom. Introduction to the special issue on ocean-ice interaction. Oceanography 29(4), 19-21.
- 2017 R. Millan, J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, Mass budget of the glaciers and ice caps in Northern Canadian Arctic from 1992 to present, Env. Res. Lett., 12(2), 024016.
- 2017 R. Millan, E. Rignot, V. Bernier, M. Morlighem, Bathymetry of the Amundsen Sea Embayment sector of West Antarctica from Operation IceBridge gravity and other data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44(3), 1360-1368.
- 2017 F. Habbal, E. Larour, E. Rignot, C. Borstad, H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, Optimal numerical solvers for transient simulations of ice flow using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM versions 4.2.5 and 4.11), Geosci. Model Dev., 10 155-158.
- 2017 Y. Nakayama, D. Menemenlis, M. Schodlok, E. Rignot, Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas simulation with optimized ocean, sea ice, and thermodynamic ice shelf model parameters, J. Geophys. Res. 122(8), 6,180-6,195.
- 2017 L. An, E. Rignot, S. Elief, J. Paden, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, D.M. Holland, D. Holland, Bed elevation of Jakobshavn Isbrae, West Greenland, from high-resolution airborne gravity and other data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44 (8), 3728-3736
- 2017 H. Seroussi, Y. Nakayama, E. Larour, D. Menemenlis, M. Morlighem, E. Rignot and A. Khazendar, Continued retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, controlled by bed topography and ocean circulation, Geophys. Res. Lett. 44(12), 6,191-6,199.
- 2017 H. Yu, E. Rignot, M. Morlighem, H. Seroussi, Iceberg calving of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica: full-Stokes modeling combined with linear elastic fracture mechanics, The Cryosphere, 11 (3), 1283.
- 2017 J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, B. Scheuchl, R. Millan, Comprehensive Annual Ice Sheet Velocity Mapping Using Landsat-8, Sentinel-1, and RADARSAT-2 Data, Remote Sensing 9 (4), 364
- 2017 A. Hogg, A. Shepherd, S. L. Cornford, K. H. Briggs, N. Gourmelen, J. A. Graham, I. Joughin, J. Mouginot, T. Nagler, A., J Payne, R. Rignot, J. Wuite, Increased ice flow in Western Palmer Land linked to ocean melting, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44 (9), 4,159-4,167.
- 2017 C. Cai, E. Rignot, D. Menemenlis, Y. Nakayama, Observations and modeling of basal melt beneath Petermann Gletscher in Northwestern Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44(16) 8,396-8,403.
- 2017 M. Morlighem, C.Williams, E. Rignot, L. An, J. L. Bamber, N. Chauche, J. A. Dowdeswell, B. Dorschel, I. Fenty, A. Hubbard, T. M. Jordan, K. K. Kjeldsen, R. Millan, J. Mouginot, B. P. Y. Noel, C. O Cofaigh, S. Palmer, H. Seroussi, M. J. Siegert, P. Slabon, M. R. van den Broeke,W. Weinrebe and M. Wood, BedMachine v3: Complete bed topography and ocean bathymetry mapping of Greenland from multi-beam echo sounding combined with mass conservation, Geophys. Res. Lett. 44 11,051-11,061.
- 2017 Y. Choi, M. Morlighem, J. Mougino and E. Rignot. Modeling the response of Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden and Zachariæ glaciers, Greenland, to ocean forcing over the next century, Geophys. Res. Lett. 44 11,071-11,079.
- 2017 P. Milillo, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, M. Morlighem, X. Li, J. T. Salzer, On the Short-term Grounding Zone Dynamics of Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica, Observed With COSMO-SkyMed Interferometric Data, Geophys. Res. Lett. 44, 10,436-10,444.
- 2018 C. Batchelor, J. Dowdeswell, E. Rignot, Submarine landforms reveal varying rates andstyles of deglaciation in North-West Greenland fjords, Marine Geology, 402, 60-80.
- 2018 B.Weatherhead, B.Wielicki, V. Ramaswamy, M. Abbott, T. Ackerman, B. Atlas, G. Brasseur, L. Bruhwiler, A. Busalachi, J. Butler, C. Clack, R. Cooke, L. Cucurull, S. Davis, J. Englsih, D. Fahey, S. Fine, J. Lazo, S. Liang, N. Loeb, E. Rignot, B. Soden, D. Stanitski, G. Stephens, B. Tapley, A. Thompson, K. Trenberth, D. Wuebbles, Designing the Climate Observing System of the Future, Earth’s Future, 6, 80-102.
- 2018 H. Liao, Franz J Meyer, Bernd Scheuchl, Jeremie Mouginot, Ian Joughin, Eric Rignot, Ionospheric Correction of InSAR Data for AccurateIceVelocity Measurement atPolar Regions, Rem. Sens. Environ., 209, 166-180.
- 2018 L. An, E. Rignot, M. Morlighem, A century of stability of Avannarleq and Kujalleq glaciers, West Greenland, high-resolution airborne gravity and other data, Geophys. Res. Lett., doi 10.1002/2018GL077204.\
- 2018 R. Millan, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, M. H. Wood, A. A. Bjørk, M. Morlighem, Vulnerability of Southeast Greenland glaciers to warm Atlantic Water from Operation IceBridge and Ocean Melting Greenland data, Geophys. Res. Lett. doi 10.1002/2017GL076561.
- 2018 K. Haubner, J. E. Box, N. J. Schlegel, E. Y. Larour, M. Morlighem, A. M. Solgaard, K. K. Kjeldsen, S. H. Larsen, E. Rignot, T. K. Dupont, and K. H. Kjaer, Simulated ice thickness and velocity evolution of Upernavik Isstrøm 1849-2012 using prescribed calving in ISSM, The Cryosphere, 12, 1511-1522.
- 2018 A. Shepherd et al. ”The IMBIE team”, Mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet from 1992-2017, Nature, 558 219-221.
- 2018 Y. Nakayama, D. Menemenlis, M. Schodlok, E. Rignot, Origin of Circumpolar DeepWater intruding onto the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sea continental shelves, Nature Comm., 9(1), 3043.
- 2018 Boncori, J. P. M., M. L. Andersen, J. Dall, A. Kusk, M. Kamstra, S. B. Andersen, N. Bechor, S. Bevan, C. Bignami, N. Gourmelen, I. Joughin, H. Jung, A. Luckman, J. Mouginot, J. Neelmaijer, E. Rignot, K. Scharrer, T. Nagler, B. Scheuchl, T. Strozzi, Intercomparison and validation of SAR-based ice velocity measurement techniques within the Greenland Ice Sheet CCI project, Remote Sensing, 10(6), 929.
- 2018 Y. Mohajerani, I. Velicogna, E. Rignot, Mass loss of Totten and Moscow University glaciers, East Antarctica, using regionally-optimized GRACE mascons, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45 (14), 7010-7018.
- 2018 H Liao, FJ Meyer, B Scheuchl, J Mouginot, I Joughin, E Rignot, Ionospheric correction of InSAR data for accurate ice velocity measurement at polar regions, Rem. Sens. Environ., 209, 166-180.
- 2018 T. Sutterley, I. Velicogna, M. van den Broeke, X. Fettweis, E. Rignot, Evaluation of ice sheet surface mass balance models in the ablation zone using ICESat and Operation IceBridge laser altimeter data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 8324-8333..
- 2018 M. Wood, E. Rignot, I. Fenty, D. Menemenlis, R. Millan, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, H. Seroussi, Ocean-induced melt triggers glacier retreat in northwest Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 45, 8334-8342.
- 2018 A. Cazenave et al., Global Sea Level Budget 1993-Present, Earth System Science Data, 10(3), 1551-1590.
- 2018 G. Collao-Barrios, F. Gillet-Chaulet, V. Favier, G. Casassa, E. Berthier, I. Dussaillant, J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, M. Schaeffer, Ice-flow modelling to constrain the surface mass balance and ice discharge of San Rafael Glacier, Northern Patagonia Icefield, J. Glaciol., 64 (246), 568-582.
- 2018 Yu, H.J., E. Rignot, H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, Retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, over the next 100 years using various ice flow models, ice shelf melt scenarios and basal friction laws, The Cryosphere, 12, 3861-3876.
- 2018 J. Mouginot, A. Bjork, R. Millan, B. Scheuchl, E.Rignot, Insights on the surge behavior of Storstrmmen and L. Bistrup Br, Northeast Greenland, over the last century. Geophys. Res. Lett. 45(20).
- 2019 L. An, E. Rignot, R. Millan, K. Tinto, J. Willis, Bathymetry of northwest greenland using ”Ocean Melting Greenland” (OMG) high-resolution gravity and other data, Rem. Sens. 11(2), 131.
- 2019 E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, M. van den Broeke, J. Wessem, M. Morlighem, Four decades of Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance: 1979-2017, Proc. Nat. Academ. Sci., 116 (4) 1095-1103.
- 2019 P. Milillo, E. Rignot, P.Rizzoli, B.Scheuchl, J.Mouginot, J.Bueso-Bello, P.Prats-Iraola, Het- erogeneous retreat and ice melt of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, Science Advance, 5(1), eaau3433.
- 2019 Y. Mohajerani, M. Wood, I. Velicogna, E. Rignot, Detection of Glacier Calving Margins with Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study, Rem. Sens., 11(1), 74.
- 2019 M. Morlighem, M. Wood, H. Seroussi, J. Bondzio, Y. Choi, and E. Rignot, Modeling the response of Northwest Greenland to enhanced ocean thermal forcing and subglacial dis- charge, The Cryosphere, 13(2), 723-734.
- 2019 C. L. Batchelor, Dowdeswell, J.A., Rignot, E., Millan, R. Submarine moraines in Southeast Greenland fjords reveal outlet-glacier behaviour since the Last Glacial Maximum, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(6) 3279-3286.
- 2019 J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, A. Bjork, M. van den Broeke, R. Millan, M. Morlighem, B. Noel, B. Scheuchl, M. Wood, Forty six years Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance from 1972 to 2018, Proc. Nat. Academ. Sci., 116 (19), 9239-9244.
- 2019 R. Millan, E. Rignot, A. Rivera, V. Martineau, J. Mouginot, R. Zamora, J. Uribe, G. Lenzano, B. de Fleurian, X. Li, Y. Gim, D. Kirchner, Ice thickness and bed elevation of the Northern and Southern Patagonian Icefields, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(12), 6626-6635.
- 2019 J. Mouginot, E. Rignot, B. Scheuchl, Continent-wide interferometric SAR phase mapping of Antarctica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(12), 9710-9718.
- 2019 Y. Mohajerani, I. Velicogna, E. Rignot, Evaluation of Regional Climate Models using Regionally-Optimized GRACE Mascons in the Amery and Getz ice shelves basins, Antarc- tica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(23), 13883-13891.
- 2019 D. Moller, S. Hensley, J. Mouginot, J. Willis, X. Wu, C. Larsen, E. Rignot, R. Mueller- schoen, A. Khazendar, Validation of Glacier Topographic Acquisitions from an Airborne Single-Pass Interferometer, Sensors, 19, 3700. doi:10.3390/s19173700
- 2019 L. An, E. Rignot, N. Chauche, D. Holland, D. Holland, M. Jakobsson, E. Kane, I. Klaucke, M. Morlighem, I. Velicogna, W. Weinrebe, M. Wood, J. Willis, Bathymetry of Southeast Greenland from Ocean Melting Greenland (OMG) data, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(20), 11197-11205.
- 2019 Y. Nakayama, G. Manucharyan, H. Zhang, P. Dutrieux, H. S. Torres, P. Klein, H. Seroussi, M. Schodlok, E. Rignot, D. Menemenlis, Pathways of ocean heat towards Pine Island and Thwaites grounding lines, Nature Sci. Report, 9(1), 1-9.
- 2019 H. Yu, E. Rignot, H. Seroussi, M. Morlighem, The impact of iceberg calving on the retreat of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica over the next century with different calving laws and ocean thermal forcing, Geophys. Res. Lett., 46(24), 14,539-14,547.
- 2020 A. Shepherd, E. Ivins, E. Rignot, B. Smith, M. van den Broeke, I. Velicogna, P. Whitehouse, et al., Mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet, 1992-2018, Nature, 579, 233-239.
- 2020 M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, T. Binder, D. Blankenship, R. Drew, G. Eagles, O. Eisen, F. Ferraccioli, R. Forsberg, P. Fretwell, V. Goel, J. S. Greenbaum, H. Gudmundsson, J. Guo, V. Helm, C. Hofstede, I. Howat, A. Humbert, W. Jokat, N. B. Karlsson, W. S. Lee, K. Matsuoka, R. Millan, J. Mouginot, J. Paden, F. Pattyn, J. Roberts, S. Rosier, A. Ruppel, H. Seroussi, E. C. Smith, D. Steinhage, B. Sun, M. R. Van Den Broeke, T. D. Van Ommen, M. Van Wessem, D. Young (2019) Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges unveiled beneath the margins of the Antarctic ice sheet, Nature Geosci., 13 (2), 132-137.
- 2020 V. Brancato, E. Rignot, P. Milillo, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, L. An, B. Scheuchl, S. Jeong, P. Rizzoli, J. Bueso-Bello, P. Prats-Iraola, Retreat of Denman Glacier, East Antarc- tica, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47 (7), e2019GL086291
- 2020 I. Velicogna, Y. Mohajerani, G. A, F. Landerer, J. Mouginot, B. Noel, E. Rignot, T. Sut- terley, M. van den Broeke, J. van Wessem, D. Wiese, Continuity of ice sheet mass loss in Greenland and Antarctica from the GRACE and GRACE Follow-On missions. Geophys. Res. Lett., 47(8), e2020GL087291.
- 2020 G. L Stephens, J. M. Slingo, E. Rignot, J. T. Reager, M. Z. Hakuba, P. J. Durack, J. Worden, Earth’s Water Reservoirs in a changing climate, Proc. Royal Soc. A, 476 (2236), 20190458.
- 2020 M. Jakobsson, L. A. Mayer, C. Bringensparr, C. F. Castro, R. Mohammad, P. Johnsson, T. Ketter, D. Accettella, D. Amblas, L. An, J. E. Arndt, M. Canals, J. L. Casamor, N. Chauche, B. Coakley, S. Danielson, M. Demarte, M.L. Dickson, B. Dorschel, J. A. Dowdeswell, S. Dreutter, A. C. Fremand, D. Gallant, J. K. Hall, L. Hehemann, H. Hodnesdal, J. Hong, R. Ivaldi, E. Kane, I. Klaucke, D. W. Krawczyk, Y. Kristofersen, B. R. Kuipers, G. Masetti, R. Millan, M. Morlighem, R. Noormets, M. M. Prescott, M. Rebesco, E. Rignot, I. Semiletov, A. J. Tate, P. Travaglini, I. Velicogna, P. Weatherall, W. Weinrebe, J. K. Willis, J. Wood, Y. Zarayskaya, T. Zhang, M. Zimmermann, K. B. Zinglersen, The International Bathymetric Chart of the arctic Ocean Version 4.0, Nature Scientific Data, 7, 176.
- 2020 R. Millan, P. St. Laurent, E. Rignot, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuchl, Constrain- ing an ocean model under Getz Ice Shelf, Antarctica using a gravity-derived bathymetry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47(13), e2019GL086522.
- 2020 E. Kane, E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, X. Li, R. Millan, M. Fahnestock, Impact of calving dy- namics on Kangilernata Sermia, Greenland, Geophys. Res. Lett., 47(20), e2020GL088524.
- 2020 M. Siegert, R. B. Alley, E. Rignot, J. Englander, R. Corell, Twenty-first Century sea-level rise could exceed IPCC projections for strong-warming futures, One Earth, 3(6), 691-703.
- 2020 D. Cheng, W. Hayes, E. Larour, Y. Mohajerani, M. Wood, I. Velicogna, ...Calving Front Machine (CALFIN): Glacial Termini Dataset and Automated Deep Learning Extraction Method for Greenland, The Cryosphere Discussions, 1-17.
- 2021 L. An, E. Rignot, M. Wood, J. Willis, J. Mouginot, S. Abbas Kahn, Ocean melting of the Zachariæ Isstrøm and Nioghalvfjerdsbræ glaciers, northeast Greenland, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 118(2), e2015483118.
- 2021 M. Wood, E. Rignot, A. Bjork, I. Fenty, D. Menemenlis, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, B. Scheuch and J. Willis, Ocean thermal forcing modulates the retreat of Greenland glaciers., Science Advance, 7(1), eaba7282.
- 2021 Y. Choi, M. Morlighem, E. Rignot, and M. Wood, Ice dynamics will remain a primary driver of Greenland ice sheet mass loss over the next century, Nature Communications, Earth and Environment, 2:26.
- 2021 Y. Mohajerani, S. Jeong, B. Scheuchl, I. Velicogna, E. Rignot, Automatic Delineation of Glacier Grounding Lines with Differential Interferometric Synthetic-Aperture Radar and Deep Learning, Nature Scientific Report, 11, 4992.
- 2021 E. Rignot, L. An, M. Wood, M. Morlighem, J. K. Willis, N. Chauche, I. Klaucke, W. Weinrebe, S. Jeong, Retreat of Humboldt Glacier, North Greenland, driven by undercutting from a warmer ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL091342.
- 2021 P. Milillo, E. Rignot , P. Rizzoli , B. Scheuchl , J. Mouginot , J.L. Bueso-Bello , P. Prats, On the speed of retreat of a collapsing Antarctic System, Nature Geosci. in revision.
- 2021 Z. He, I. Velicogna, E. Ciraci, C.W. Hsu, Y. Mohajerani., E. Rignot, J. Mouginot, Four Decades of Observation-Based Sea Level Fingerprint of Land-Ice, Geophys. Res. Lett., in review.
- 2021 E. Larour, E. Rignot, B. Scheuchl, Processes controlling the rifting of Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica, prior to the calving of iceberg A68, Proc. Nat. Academ. Sci., in revision.

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