- B. S. Harvey Mudd College, Claremont CA (1969)
- Ph. D. University of California, San Diego (1975)
Research Interests:
- Gravitational Wave Detectors
- Radio Science
- Wave Propagation in Random Media
- Time Series Analysis
Professional Experience:
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (1977-present; currently Senior Research Scientist)
- Postdoctoral Astronomer, National Radio Astronomy Observatory (1975-1977)
Selected Awards:
- Henry G. Booker Fellow, International Scientific Radio Union (URSI), 1981
- NASA technology awards:
- Novel design of a deep-space optical telecommunications system using adaptive near-earth relay mirrors (with C. Yeh and K. Wilson)
- A method to cancel exactly the leading noise source--laser frequency fluctuations--in unequal-arm Michelson interferometers (with M. Tinto)
- Time-delay-interferometry (TDI): laser noise cancellation and gravitational wave detection with unequal-arm detectors (with F.B. Estabrook and M. Tinto)
- Synthetic LISA simulation package (with M. Vallisneri)
- A method to correct antenna mechanical noise in precision Doppler tracking observations (with F.B. Estabrook)
Selected Publications:
- Woo, R. and Armstrong, J., W., 1979 "Spacecraft Radio Scattering Observations of the Power Spectrum of Electron Density Fluctuations in the Solar Wind", JGR, 84, 7288
- Armstrong, J. W., 1984 "Interstellar Scintillation and Ultra-Low-Frequency Gravitational Wave Observations", Nature, 307, 527
- Armstrong, J. W., Rickett, B. J., and Spangler, S. R., 1995 "Electron Density Power Spectrum in the Local Interstellar Medium", ApJ, 443, 209
- Tinto, M., and Armstrong, J. W. 1999 "Cancellation of Laser Noise in an Unequal-Arm Interferometer Detector of Gravitational Radiation", Phys. Rev. D, 59, 102003
- Armstrong, J. W., Estabrook, F. B., and Tinto, M. 1999 "Time-Delay Interferometry for Space-Based Gravitational Wave Searches", ApJ,527, 814
- Estabrook, F. B., Tinto, Massimo, and Armstrong, J. W. 2000 "Time-Delay Analysis of LISA Gravitational Wave Data: Elimination of Spacecraft Motion Effects", Phys. Rev. D.62, 042002
- Armstrong, J. W., Iess, L., Tortora, P., and Bertotti, B. 2003 "Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background: Upper Limits in the 10 -6-10 -3 Hz Band", ApJ, 599, 806
- Armstrong, J. W. 2006 “Low-Frequency Gravitational Wave Searches Using Spacecraft Doppler Tracking”, Living Reviews in Relativity, 9, 1

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