- Ph.D.-Physics, University of Pittsburgh, 1985
- M.S.-Physics, University of Pittsburgh
- B.S.-Physics, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1979
- Grade 6- 12 – Nalanda College, Colombo, Sri Lanka (1966 – 1974)
Research Interests:
Preference for experimental semiconductor nano-device research which involves semiconductor devices based on quantum wells, wires, dots, and spin-based devices. Special interest in studying novel “artificial” band-gap materials for infrared and detectors and imaging focal planes.
Professional Experience:
- JPL Fellow (2014)
- Director - Center for Infrared Photodetectors, Senior Research Scientist, Principle Member of Engineering Staff, Technology Community Leader, and Manager - Infrared Photonics Technology Group Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA (1992 - present)
- Member of Technical Staff AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey (1988-1992)
- Research Associate Bell Communication Research (1985 - 1988)
Selected Awards:
- Quantum Devices Award for contributions to the III-V quantum structure infrared detectors and focal plane arrays, June, 2023, International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS),
- SPIE George W. Goddard Award for development of quantum structures based infrared detector and focal plane array technologies for aerospace applications, August 2018
- MSS Herschel Award for development of High Operating Temperature Barrier Infrared Detector, Military Sensing Symposia, March 2018
- Sri Lanka Ranjana, Presidential Honours, Sri Lanka, March 2017
- OSA Fellow, 2015
- NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, 2014
- IEEE Fellow, November 2013
- IEEE Aron Kressel Award, Highest award given by IEEE Photonics Society for the development of photonics devices, July 2013
- Magellan Award, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 2011
- Career Award, U.S. Army/RDECOM/CERDEC, Night Vision & Electronic Sensor Directorate, 2011
- IEEE Distinguish Lecturer Award, April 2010
- Fellow SPIE, January 2008
- Keerthi Sri Felicitation, Nalanda Collage, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2007
- NASA Group Achievement Award for the development of Hyperspectral QWIP Imager, Washington DC, May 2005
- NASA Space Act Award: Exceptional Performance, Washington DC, July 2004
- Lifetime Achievement Award, Sri Lanka Foundation, Los Angeles, USA, 2003
- NASA Space Act Award, Washington DC, July 2003
- NASA Space Act Award: Exceptional Performance, Washington DC, July 2002
- NASA Space Act Award: Exceptional Performance, Washington DC, January 2002
- Induction to United States Space Foundation Technology Hall of Fame, US Space Foundation, Colorado Springs, CO, 2001
- Exceptional Achievement Award for Technology Applications Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 1999
- NASA/AIAA Effective Partnership Award, Huntsville, AL, October 29, 1998
- NASA Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal, Washington DC, April 1996
- Award for Excellence, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 1996
- Exceptional Achievement Award for Technology Applications Program, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 1995
- Lew Allen Award for Excellence, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 1994
- AT&T Performance Award, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1992
- National Research Council Senior Research Associteship Award, 1991
- AT&T Performance Award, AT&T Bell Laboratories, 1991
Selected Publications:
Dr. Gunapala has given over 200 presentations and over 100 invited presentations at technical conferences. Also, he has authored over 300 publications, including many book chapters on infrared imaging focal plane arrays, and holds twenty six patents. Following is a selected list of his publications.
Book Chapters
- S. D. Gunapala, J. K. Liu, J. S. Park, and T. L. Lin, "16 µm Infrared Hot Electron Transistor", Quantum Well Intersubband Transition Physics and Devices, edited by H. C. Liu, B. F. Levine, and J. Y. Andersson, NATO ASI Series, Vol. 270, pp. 167-176, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994.
- S. D. Gunapala and K. M. S. V. Bandara, "Recent Developments in Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors", Physics of Thin Films, Vol. 21, pp. 113-237, Academic Press, 1995.
- S. D. Gunapala, " Infrared radiation ", McGraw-Hill 1997 Yearbook of Science & Technology Encyclopedia, pp. 249-252, December 1996.
- S. D. Gunapala and S. V. Bandara, “GaAs Infrared Detectors”, Properties of Gallium Arsenide, 3rd Edition, EMIS Datareviews series No. 16, pp. 906-917, An INSPEC publication, 1996.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, W. Hong, M. Sundaram, R. Carralejo, C. A. Shott, P. D. Maker, and R. E. Muller, “9 Micron Cutoff 640x486 GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Snap-shot Camera", Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells: Physics and Devices, pp. 193-198, Kluwer Academic Publishers, December, 1998.
- S. Bandara, S. Gunapala, J. Liu, J. Mumolo, E. Luong, W. Hong and D. Sengupta, “Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors: Device Physics and Light Coupling”, Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells: Physics and Devices, pp. 43-49, Kluwer Academic Publishers, December, 1998.
- S. D. Gunapala and S. V. Bandara, “Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) Focal Plane Arrays,” Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 62, 197-282, Academic Press, 1999.
- S. D. Gunapala and S. V. Bandara, “Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP),” Handbook of Thin Film Devices, Vol. 2, 63-99, Academic Press, 2000.
- S. D. Gunapala and S. V. Bandara, “GaAs/AlGaAs based quantum well infrared photodetector focal plane arrays,” Handbook of Infrared Detection Technologies, 83-117, Elsevier, 2002.
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Alexander Soibel, Linda Hoglund, Jean Nguyen, Cory J. Hill, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, and Sarath D. Gunapala, “Type-II Superlattice Infrared Detectors,” Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 84, 1-57, Academic Press, 2011.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, S. B. Rafol, and D. Z. Ting, “Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors,” Semiconductors and Semimetals, Vol. 84, 59-151, Academic Press, 2011.
- D. Z. Ting, A. Soibel, S. A. Keo, C. J. Hill, J. M. Mumolo, L. Höglund, J. Nguyen, A. Khoshakhlagh, Sir B. Rafol, J. K. Liu, and S. D. Gunapala, “Mid- and Long-Wavelength Barrier Infrared Detectors,” in The Wonder of Nanotechnology: Quantum Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, M. Razeghi. L. Esaki, and K. von Klitzing, Eds., SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, pp. 379-405 (2013).
- Sarath D. Gunapala, Sir B. Rafol, David Z. Ting, Alexander Soibel, John K. Liu, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Sam A. Keo, Jason M. Mumolo, Linda Höglund, and Jean Nguyen, “Modulation Transfer Function Measurements of Infrared Focal Plane Arrays,” in The Wonder of Nanotechnology: Quantum Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, M. Razeghi. L. Esaki, and K. von Klitzing, Eds., SPIE Press, Bellingham, WA, pp. 407-434 (2013).
Papers in Refereed Journals
- Sarath D. Gunapala, Sumith V. Bandara, John K. Liu, Winn Hong, Mani Sundaram, Paul D. Maker, Richard E. Muller, Craig A. Shott, and Ronald Carralejo, “Long-Wavelength 640x486 GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Snap-shot Camera", IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 45, 1890 (1998).
- D. K. Sengupta, W. Fang, J. I. Malin, J. Li, T. Horton, A. P. Curtis, K. C. Hsieh, S. L. Chuang, H. Chen, M. Feng, G. E. Stillman, L. Li, H. C. Liu, K. M. S. V. Bandara, S. D. Gunapala, W. I. Chang, “GaAs/AlGaAs quantum-well infrared photodetectors on GaAs-on-Si substrates”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 71, pp. 78-80, 1997.
- Deepak Sengupta, Vikram Jandhyala, Sangsig Kim, Weich Fang, Jay Malin, Peter Apostolakis, Kwong-Chi Hseih, Yia-Chung, Shun Lien Chuang, Sumith Bandara, Sarath D. Gunapala, Milton Feng, Eric Michielssen, and Greg Stillman, “Red-Shifting and Broadening of Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetector’s Response via Impurity-Free Vacancy Disordering", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1998.
- D. K. Sengupta, M. B. Weisman, M. Feng, S. L. Chuang, Y. C. Chang, L. Cooper, I. Adesida, I. Bloom, K. C. Hsieh, W. Fang, J. I. Malin, A. P. Curtis, T. Horton, G. E. Stillman, S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, F. S. Pool, J. K. Liu, M. J. McKelvey, E. Luong, W. Hong, J. Mumolo, H. C. Liu, and W. I. Wang, “ Growth and Characterization ofn-Type GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector on GaAs and GaAs-on-Si Substrates", J. of Electronic Materials, pp. 858-865, Vol. 27, 1998.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, "Significance of the first excited state position in quantum well infrared photodetectors," Microelectronics Journal, 30, no. 10, pp. 1057-1066, Oct. 1999.
- S. Gunapala, S. Bandara, J. Liu, S. Rafol, and D. Ting, “Sharp infrared eyes: the journey of QWIPs from concept to large inexpensive sensitive arrays in hand-held infrared cameras”, Opto-Electr. Rev., 7, no. 4, 271-282 (1999).
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, E. M. Luong, N. Stetson, C. A. Shott, J. J. Bock, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, and M. J. McKelvey, “Long-wavelength 256X256 GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) Palm-size Camera” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 47, pp. 326-332, 2000.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, A. Singh, J. K. Liu, S. B. Rafol, E. M. Luong, J. M. Mumolo, N. Q. Tran, J. D. Vincent, C. A. Shott, J. Long, and P. D. LeVan, “640x486 Long-wavelength Two-color GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) Focal Plane Array Camera” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 47, pp. 963-971, 2000.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, A. Singh, J. K. Liu, E. M. Luong, J. M. Mumolo, and P. D. LeVan, “Recent developments and applications of quantum well infrared photodetector focal plane arrays” Physica E, 7, pp. 108-111, 2000.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, E. M. Luong, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, D. Z. Ting, J. J. Bock, M. E. Ressler, M. W. Werner, P. D. LeVan, R. Chehayeb, C. A. Kukkonen, M. Levy, P. LeVan, and M. A. Fauci, “Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Research and Development at Jet Propulsion Laboratory”, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 12, pp. 327-351, (2000).
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, E. M. Luong, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, D. Z. Ting, J. J. Bock, M. E. Ressler, M. W. Werner, P. D. LeVan, R. Chehayeb, C. A. Kukkonen, M. Levy, P. LeVan, and M. A. Fauci,” Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 42, pp. 267-282, (2001).
- S. V. Bandara, S. Gunapala, S. Rafol, D. Ting, J. Liu, J. Mumolo, T. Trinh, A. W. K. Liu, and J. M. Fastenau,” Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 42, pp. 237-242, (2001).
- D. Z. –Y. Ting, S. V. Bandara, S. D. Gunapala, J. K. Liu, S. B. Rafol, and J. M. Mumolo,” Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 42, pp. 205-210, (2001).
- Victor Ryzhii, Irina Khmyrova, Tadao Ishibashi, Sumith V. Bandara, and Sarath D. Gunapala,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 40, pp. 3137-3142, (2001).
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, E. M. Luong, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, D. Z. Ting, J. J. Bock, M. E. Ressler, M. W. Werner, P. D. LeVan, R. Chehayeb, C. A. Kukkonen, M. Levy, P. LeVan, and M. A. Fauci,” OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW, Vol. 9, pp. 150-163, (2001).
- S. D. Gunapala and S. V. Bandara, “GaAs/AlGaAs MULTI-QUANTUM WELL-BASED INFRARED FOCAL PLANE ARRAYS FOR INFRARED IMAGING APPLICATIONS,” International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, Vol. 12, No.3, 99-121, World Scientific Publishing Company, 2002.
- Sarath D. Gunapala, Sumith V. Bandara, John K. Liu, Sir B. Rafol, and Jason M. Mumolo, “640x512 Pixel Long-wavelength Infrared Narrowband, Multiband, and Broadband QWIP Focal Plane Arrays” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, 50, pp. 2353-2360, 2003.
- S. V. Bandara, S. D. Gunapala, J. K. Liu, S. B. Rafol, D. Z. Ting, J. M. Mumolo, R. W. Chuang, T. Q. Trinh, J. H. Liu, K. K. Choi, M. Jhabvala, J. M. Fastenau, and W. K. Liu,” Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 369-376, (2003).
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, C. A. Shott, R. Jones, J. Woolaway II, J. M. Fastenau, A. K. Liu, M. Jhabvala, and K. K. Choi” Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 411-426, (2003).
- M. Jhabvala, S. Gunapala, D. Reuter, K. K. Choi, S. Bandara, J. Liu, A. La, S. Banks, J. Cho, T. Hwang, S. Tsay, D. Rafol, H. Huet, N. Chauvet, and T. Huss” Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 44, pp. 445-456, (2003).
- S. Chakrabarti, A. D. Stiff-Roberts, P. Bhattacharya, S. Gunapala, S. Bandara, S. B. Rafol, and S. W. Kennerly, “High-Temperature Operation of InAs-GaAs Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetectors With Large Responsivity and Detectivity” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 1361-1363, 2004.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, C. J. Hill, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, J. T. Trinh, M. Z. Tidrow, and P. D. LeVan, “1024 x 1024 Pixel mid-wavelength and long-wavelength infrared QWIP focal plane arrays for imaging applications”, Semicond. Sci. Technol., Vol. 20, pp. 473-480 (2005).
- S. V. Bandara, S. D. Gunapala, J. K. Liu, S. B. Rafol, C. J. Hill, D. Z.-Y. Ting, J. M. Mumolo, T. Q. Trinh, J. M. Fastenau and A. W. K. Liu , “Tuning and Tailoring of Broad-band Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetector Responsivity Spectrum”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 86, pp. 151104-151106 (2005).
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, C. J. Hill, D. Z. Ting, J. K. Liu, S. B. Rafol, E. R. Blazejewski, J. M. Mumolo, S. A. Keo, S. Krishna, Y.-C. Chang, and C. A. Shott “640x512 pixels long-wavelength infrared (LWIR) quantum dot infrared photodetector (QDIP) imaging focal plane array”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 43, pp. 230 – 237 (2007).
- S. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, C. J. Hill, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, J. T. Trinh, M. Z. Tidrow, and P. D. LeVan, “Development of mid-wavelength and long-wavelength megapixel portable QWIP imaging cameras”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 67-75, 2005.
- S. V. Bandara, S. Gunapala, J. K. Liu, C. J. Hill, S. B. Rafol, J. M. Mumolo, and J. T. Trinh, “Multi-band and broad-band infrared detectors based on III-V materials for spectral imaging instruments”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 15-21, 2005.
- S. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, J. M. Mumolo, C. J. Hill, S. B. Rafol, D. Zalazar, J. Woolaway, P. D. LeVan, and M. Z. Tidrow, “Towards dualband megapixel QWIP focal plane arrays”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 50, pp. 217-226, 2007.
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, C. J. Hill, D. Z.Ting, J. K. Lu, S. B. Rafol, E. R. Blazejewski, J. M. Mumolo, S. A. Keo, S. Krishna, Y. C. Chang, and C. A. Shott, “Demonstration of 640x512 pixel long- wavelength infrared (LWIR) quantum dot infrared photodetector (QDIP)imaging focal plane array”, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 50, pp. 149 - 155, 2007.
- D. Z.-Y. Ting, Y.-C. Chang, S.V. Bandara, C.J. Hill and S. D. Gunapala, “Band structure and impurity effects on optical properties of quantum well and quantum dot infrared photodetectors,” Infrared Physics and Technology 50, 136-141 (2007).
- S. V. Bandara, S. D. Gunapala, D.Z. Ting, J.K. Liu, C.J. Hill, J.M. Mumolo and S. Keo, “Monolithically integrated near-infrared and mid-infrared detector array for spectral imaging,” Infrared Physics and Technology 50, 211-216 (2007).
- C. J. Hill, J. Li, D. Riegher, and S. D. Gunapala, "MBE grown type-II MWIR and LWIR superlattice photodiodes" Infrared Physics and Technology 50, 187-190 (2007).
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Yia-Chung Chang, Sumith V. Bandara, and Sarath D. Gunapala “Quantum well intrasubband photodetector for far infrared and terahertz radiation detection” Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, pp. 073510 (2007).
- S. Krishna, S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, C. Hill, and D. Z. Ting, “Quantum Dot Based Infrared Focal Plane Arrays”, IEEE Special Issue on Optoelectronic Devices Based on Quantum Dots, 95, pp. 1838-1852 (2007).
- Jean Nguyen, Alexander Soibel, David Z.-Y. Ting, Cory J. Hill, Mike C. Lee, and Sarath D. Gunapala “Low dark current long-wave infrared InAs/GaSb superlattice detectors” Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, pp. 051108 (2010).
- William R. Johnson , Simon J. Hook, Pantazis Mouroulis, Daniel W. Wilson, Sarath D. Gunapala, Cory J. Hill, Jason M. Mumolo, Bjorn T. Eng, “Quantum well earth science testbed”, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 430-433, (2009).
- Jian V. Li, Cory J. Hill, Jason M. Mumolo, Sarath Gunapala, Shin Mou, and Shun-Lien Chung, “Midinfrared type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice photodiodes toward room temperature operation”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 93, Article Number: 163505, OCT 20 2008.
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Sumith V. Bandara, Sarath D. Gunapala, Jason M. Mumolo, Sam A. Keo, Cory J. Hill, John K. Liu, Edward R. Blazejewski, Sir B. Rafol, and Yia-Chung Chang, “Sub Monolayer Infrared Photodetectors”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 94, pp. 111107 (2009).
- Cory J. Hill *, Alexander Soibel, Sam A. Keo, Jason M. Mumolo, David Z. Ting, Sarath D. Gunapala, “Demonstration of large format mid-wavelength infrared focal plane arrays based on superlattice and BIRD detector structures”, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 348-352, (2009).
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, J.M. Mumolo, D. Z. Ting, C. J. Hill, J. Nguyen , B. Simolon, J. Woolaway, S. C. Wang, W. Li, P. D. LeVan, M. Z. Tidrow, “1024 X 1024 Format pixel co-located simultaneously readable dual-band QWIP focal plane”, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 395-398, (2009).
- David Z.-Y. Ting a, Sumith V. Bandara, Jason Mumolo, Sam A. Keo, Jean Nguyen, H. C. Liu, C.Y. Song, Yia-Chung Chang, Sir B. Rafol, Cory J. Hill, Sarath D. Gunapala, Alexander Soibel, John K. Liu, Edward Blazejewski, “Dots, QWISPs, and BIRDs”, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 294-298, (2009).
- A. Soibel, Sumith V. Bandara, David Z. Ting, John K. Liu, Jason M. Mumolo, Sir B. Rafol, William R. Johnson, Daniel W. Wilson, Sarath D. Gunapala, “A super-pixel QWIP focal plane array for imaging multiple waveband temperature sensor”, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 403-407, (2009).
- Jean Nguyen, David Z. Ting, Cory J. Hill, Alexander Soibel, Sam A. Keo, Sarath D. Gunapala, “Dark current analysis of InAs/GaSb superlattices at low temperatures”, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 317-321, (2009).
- Brian Simolon, Naseem Aziz, Scott Cogan, Eric Kurth, Simon Lam, Susan Petronio, James Woolaway, Sumith Bandara, Sarath Gunapala, Jason Mumolo, “High performance two-color one megapixel CMOS ROIC for QWIP detectors”, Journal of Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 52, pp. 391-394, (2009).
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Cory J. Hill, Alexander Soibel, Sam A. Keo, Jason M. Mumolo, Jean Nguyen, and Sarath D. Gunapala, “A high-performance long wavelength superlattice complementary barrier infrared detector,” Appl. Phy. Lett. 95(2), 023508 (2009).
- C.J. Hill, A. Soibel, D.Z.-Y. Ting, S.A. Keo, J.M. Mumolo, J. Nguyen, M. Lee and S.D. Gunapala, “High temperature operation of long-wavelength infrared superlattice detector with suppressed dark current,” Electronics Letters 45(21) 1089-1090 (2009).
- S. D. Gunapala, S. V. Bandara, J. K. Liu, J. M. Mumolo, D. Z. Ting, C. J. Hill, J. Nguyen, B. Simolon, J. Woolaway, S. Wang, W. Li, P. D. LeVan, and M. Z. Tidrow, “Demonstration of Megapixel Dual-band QWIP Focal Plane Array”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 46, No. 2, pp.285-293, 2010.
- Alexander Soibel, David Z.-Y. Ting, Cory J. Hill, Mike Lee, Jean Nguyen, Sam A. Keo, Jason M. Mumolo, and Sarath D. Gunapala, “Gain and noise of high-performance long wavelength superlattice infrared detectors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96(11), 111102 (2010).
- S. D. Gunapala, Senior Member, IEEE, D. Z. Ting, Senior Member, IEEE, C. J. Hill, J. Nguyen, A. Soibel, S. B. Rafol, S. A. Keo, J. M. Mumolo, M. C. Lee, J. K. Liu, and B. Yang “Demonstration of a 1024 1024 Pixel InAs–GaSb Superlattice Focal Plane Array” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 22, pp. 1856-1858, 2010.
- C. J. Hill, A. Soibel, S. A. Keo, J. M. Mumolo, D. Z. Ting, and S. D. Gunpala, “Mid-infrared quantum dot barrier photodetectors with extended cutoff wavelengths”, Electronic Letters, 46 (18), 2010.
- S.D. Gunapala, D.Z. Ting, C.J. Hill, J. Nguyen, A. Soibel, S.B. Rafol, S.A. Keo, J.M. Mumolo, M.C. Lee, J.K. Liu, B. Yang, A. Liao, “Large area III–V infrared focal planes”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 54, pp. 155-163 (2011).
- A. Soibel, J. Nguyen, L. Hoglund, C. J. Hill, D. Z. Ting, S. A. Keo, J. M. Mumolo, M. C. Lee, S. D. Gunapala, “InAs/GaSb superlattice based long-wavelength complementary barrier infrared detectors: growth, processing and characterization”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 54, pp. 247-251 (2011).
- D. Z. –Y. Ting, A. Soibel, C. J. Hill, J. Nguyen, S. A. Keo, S. B. Rafol, B. Yang, M. C. Lee, J. M. Mumolo, J. K. Liu, L. Hoglund, S. D. Gunapala, “Antimonide superlattice complementary barrier infrared detector (CBIRD)”, Infrared Physics & Technology, 54, pp. 267-272 (2011).
- S. B. Rafol, A. Soibel, A. Khoshakhlagh, J. Nguyen, J. K. Liu, J. M. Mumolo, S. A. Keo, L. Hoeglund D. Z. Ting, and S. D. Gunapala, “Performance of a 1/4 VGA Format Long-Wavelength Infrared Antimonides Based Superlattice Focal Plane Array”, Accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 2012.
- Jean Nguyen, Alexander Soibel, Sir B. Rafol, Arezou Khoskhlagh, John K. Liu, Jason M. Mumolo, Linda Hoeglund, Sam A. Keo, David Z.-Y. Ting, and Sarath D. Gunapala, “Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching of Complementary Barrier Infrared Detector Focal Plane Arrays for Long-Wave Infrared Imaging”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24, pp. 1581-1583, 2012.
- David Z. -Y. Ting, Alexander Soibel, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Jean Nguyen, Linda Hoglund, Sam Keo, Jason Mumolo, and Sarath Gunapala, “Exclusion, extraction, and junction placement effects in the complementary barrier infrared detector”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 121109 (2013).
- Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Linda Hoglund, David Z. Ting, Cory J. Hill, Sam A. Keo, Alexander Soibel, Jean Nguyen, and Sarath Gunapala, “High Performance Long-Wave Type-II Superlattice Infrared Detectors”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B 31(3), 03C122 (2013).
- Höglund, D. Z. Ting, A. Khoshakhlagh, A. Soibel, C. J. Hill, A. Fisher, S. Keo and S. D. Gunapala, "Influence of radiative and non-radiative recombination on the minority carrier lifetime in midwave infrared InAs/InAsSb superlattices", Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 221908 (2013).
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Alexander Soibel, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Sam A. Keo, Jean Nguyen, Linda Höglund, Jason M. Mumolo, John K. Liu, Sir B. Rafol, Cory J. Hill, Sarath D. Gunapala, “Complementary barrier infrared detector (CBIRD) with double tunnel junction contact and quantum dot barrier infrared detector (QD-BIRD)”, Infrared Physics & Technology 59, 146–151 (2013).
- S.D. Gunapala, S.B. Rafol, D.Z. Ting, A. Soibel, J.K. Liu, A. Khoshakhlagh, S.A. Keo, J.M. Mumolo, J. Nguyen, “Modulation transfer function of QWIP and superlattice focal plane arrays”, Infrared Physics & Technology 59, 64–71 (2013).
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Alexander Soibel, Sam A. Keo, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Cory J. Hill, Linda Höglund, Jason M. Mumolo, Sarath D. Gunapala, “Superlattice and Quantum Dot Unipolar Barrier Infrared Detectors”, Journal of Electronic Materials 42(11), pp. 3071-3079 (2013); DOI: 10.1007/s11664-013-2641-9, published online 18 June 2013.
- A. Soibel, J. Nguyen, A. Khoshakhlagh, S. B. Rafol, L. Hoeglund, S. A. Keo, J. M. Mumolo, J. Liu, A. Liao, D. Z.-Y. Ting and S. D. Gunapala, “Long wavelength infared superlattice detectors and FPAs based on CBIRD design”, Phot. Tech. Lett. 25, 875-878, (2013).
- Sarath D. Gunapala, Sumith V. Bandara, John K. Liu, Jason M. Mumolo, Sir B. Rafol, David Z. Ting, Alexander Soibel, and Cory Hill, “Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector Technology and Applications”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20 (6), pp. 1-12, DOI: 10.1109/JSTQE.2014.2324538, (2014).
- Weiren Zhu, Malin Premaratne, Sarath Gunapala, Govind Agrawal, and Mark Stockman, "Quasi-Static analysis of controllable optical cross sections of a layered nanoparticle with a sandwiched gain layer" Journal of Optics, 16 (7), 075003 DOI: 10.1088/2040-8978/16/7/075003, (2014).
- David Z. Ting, Alexander Soibel, Sam A. Keo, Sir B. Rafol, Jason M. Mumolo, John K. Liu, Cory J. Hill, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Linda Hoglund, Edward M. Luong, and Sarath D. Gunapala, “Development of quantum well, quantum dot, and type II superlattice infrared photodetectors”, J. Appl. Remote Sens. 8 (1), 084998 DOI: 10.1117/1.JRS.8.084998, (2014).
- Alexander Soibel, Cory J. Hill, Sam A. Keo, Linda Hoglund, Robert Rosenberg, Robert Kowalczyk, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Anita Fisher, David Z.-Y. Ting, and Sarath D. Gunapala, “Room temperature performance of mid-wavelength infrared InAsSb nBn detectors”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105, 023512, DOI: 10.1063/1.4890465, (2014).
- L. Höglund, D. Z.-Y. Ting, A. Soibel, C. J. Hill. A. Fisher, S. A. Keo, S. D. Gunapala, “Minority carrier lifetimes in InSb/InAsSb Quantum Dot and InAsSb nBn Photodetectors”, IEEE Photonics Technology letters, 27, 2492-2495 (2015).
- L. Höglund, D. Z. Ting, A. Soibel, A. Fisher, A. Khoshakhlagh, C. J. Hill, S. Keo, S. D. Gunapala, “Influence of the carrier concentration on the minority carrier lifetime in mid-wavelength infrared InAs/InAsSb superlattices”, Infrared Physics and Technology, 70, 62-65, (2015).
- Alexander Soibel, Sir B. Rafol, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Jean Nguyen, Linda Hoglund, Anita M. Fisher, Sam. A. Keo, David Z.-Y. Ting, and Sarath D. Gunapala, “Proton radiation effect on performance of InAs/GaSb complementary barrier infrared detector”, Applied Physics Letters 107, 261102 (2015); doi: 10.1063/1.4938756.
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Yia-Chung Chang, Sir B. Rafol, John K. Liu, Cory J. Hill, Sam A. Keo, Jason Mumolo, Sarath D. Gunapala, Sumith V. Bandara, “The sub-monolayer quantum dot infrared photodetector revisited”, Infrared Physics & Technology 70, 20-24 (2015); .
- L. Höglund, D.Z. Ting, A. Soibel, A. Fisher, A. Khoshakhlagh, C.J. Hill, L. Baker, S. Keo, J. Mumolo, S.D. Gunapala, “Influence of carrier concentration on the minority carrier lifetime in mid-wavelength infrared InAs/InAsSb superlattices”, Infrared Physics & Technology 70, 62-65 (2015);
- S.D. Gunapala, S.B. Rafol, D.Z. Ting, A. Soibel, L. Höglund, C.J. Hill, A. Khoshakhlagh, J.K. Liu, J.M. Mumolo, S.A. Keo, “1/f Noise QWIPs and nBn detectors”, Infrared Physics & Technology 70, 115-120 (2015);
- Alexander Soibel, Cory J. Hill, Sam A. Keo, Linda Hoglund, Robert Rosenberg, Robert Kowalczyk, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Anita Fisher, David Z.-Y. Ting, Sarath D. Gunapala, “Room temperature performance of mid-wavelength infrared InAsSb nBn detectors”, Infrared Physics & Technology 70, 121-124 (2015);
- David Z.-Y. Ting, Alexander Soibel, Linda Höglund, Sarath D. Gunapala, “Theoretical Aspects of Minority Carrier Extraction in Unipolar Barrier Infrared Detectors”, Journal of Electronic Materials; 44(9), 3036-3043 (2015); DOI: 10.1007/s11664-015-3756-y, published online 09 April 2015.
- C. Jayasekara, Malin Premaratne, M.I. Stockman, and S.D. Gunapala, \Multimode analysis of highly tunable, quantum cascade powered, circular graphene spaser," Journal of Applied Physics 118, 173101 (2015).
- K. Hossain, L. Hoglund, L. C. Phinney, T. D. Golding, G. Wicks, A. A. Khoshakhlagh, D. Ting, A. Soibel and S. Gunapala, Hydrogenation Defect Passivation for Improved Minority Carrier, J. of Electronics Materials, (2016). DOI: 10.1007/s11664-016-4617-z (2016).
- D. Z. Ting, A. Soibel, L. Höglund, C. J. Hill, Sam A. Keo, A. Fisher and S. D. Gunapala, High-Temperature Characteristics of an InAsSb/AlAsSb n+Bn Detector, J. Electronics Materials 45 (9), p. 4680, DOI: 10.1007/s11664-016-4633-z (2016).
- L. Höglund, D. Z. Ting, A. Khoshakhlagh, A. Soibel, A. Fisher, C. J. Hill, S. Keo, S. Rafol, and S. D. Gunapala, “Influence of proton radiation on the minority carrier lifetime in midwave infrared InAs/InAsSb superlattices,” Applied Physics Letters 108, 263504 (2016).
- D. Ting, A. Soibel and S. Gunapala, “Hole effective masses and subband splitting in type-II superlattice infrared detectors”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 183504; doi: 10.1063/1.4948387 (2016).
- Alexander Soibel, David Z. Ting, Cory J. Hill , Anita M. Fisher , Linda Hoglund , Sam. A. Keo , and Sarath D. Gunapala, “Mid-wavelength infrared InAsSb/InSb nBn detector with extended cut-off wavelength”, Applied Physics Letters 109, 103505; doi: 10.1063/1.4962271 (2016).
- D. Weeraddana, M. Premaratne, S. D. Gunapala, D. L. Andrews, “Quantum electrodynamical theory of high-efficiency excitation energy transfer in laser-driven nanostructure systems” Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 94 (8), art. no. 085133 (2016).
- C. Jayasekara, M. Premaratne, S. D. Gunapala, M. I. Stockman, Journal of Applied Physics, 119 (13), art. no. 133101 (2016).
- C. S. Kumarasinghe, M. Premaratne, S. D. Gunapala, G. P. Agrawal, “Design of all-optical, hot-electron current-direction-switching device based on geometrical asymmetry”, Scientific Reports, 6, art. no. 21470 (2016).
- C. S. Kumarasinghe, M. Premaratne, S. D. Gunapala, G. P. Agrawal, “Theoretical analysis of hot electron injection from metallic nanotubes into a semiconductor interface” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (27), pp. 18227-18236 (2016).
- X.-Y. Zhou, D. Lummerzheim, R. Gladstone, S. B. Rafol, S. Gunapala, Y.-T. He, and D. Hampton, Development of a near-infrared balloon-borne camera for dayside and sunlit auroral observations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122, doi:10.1002/ 2016JA023317 (2017).
- Sudaraka Mallawaarachchi, Malin Premaratne, Sarath D. Gunapala, and Philip K. Maini, “Tuneable superradiant thermal emitter assembly” by JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL REVIEW B, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.155443 (2017).
- Khoshakhlagh and S. D. Gunapala, Neurophoton. “Band engineering, growth and characteristics of type-II InAs/GaSb superlattice-based detectors”, 4(1), 011014 (2017).
- A. Hazari, A. Soibel, S. D. Gunapala, and P. Bhattacharya, “Infrared Absorption at 300 K in InGaN/GaN Disk-in-Nanowire Arrays Grown on (001) Silicon,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29(20), 1751; Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2017.2752716 (2017).
- A. G. Davies, S. Gunapala, A. Soibel, D. Ting, S. Rafol, M. Blackwell, P. O. Hayne, and Michael Kelly. “A novel technology for measuring the eruption temperature of silicate lavas with remote sensing: Application to Io and other planets,” Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, (2017).
- S. B. Rafol, S. D. Gunapala, D. Z. Ting, A. Soibel, C. J. Hill, A. Khoshakhlagh, S. A. Keo, A. Fisher, J. K. Liu, J. M. Mumolo, B. Pepper, Low frequency 1/f noise on QWIPs, nBn, and superlattice focal plane array, Infrared Physics & Technology 84, 50–57 Aug. 2017.
- Alexander Soibel, Sam A. Keo, Anita Fisher,Cory J. Hill, Edward Luong, David Z. Ting, Sarath D. Gunapala, Dmitri Lubyshev, Yueming Qiu, Joel M. Fastenau, and Amy W. K. Liu, “High operating temperature nBn detector with monolithically integrated microlens”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 041105, (2018).

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